Canton Museum of Art Benefit: The gARTen of eARThly Delights

August 30, 2016

Last Saturday I had the honor of photographing the Canton Museum of Art’s benefit: The gARTen of eARThly Delights. I cannot put into words how amazing the event was. The Canton Museum of Art outdid themselves!

Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights004 Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights008 Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights012 Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights016 Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights020 Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights024 Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights028 Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights032 Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights036 Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights041 Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights048 Canton Museum of Art Benefit fundraiser chris rutan photography ohio The gARTen of eARThly Delights049

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